This is Trigger, Trigger, yes, that's his name. You may remember him form the canine ballet he used to perform with Radio. But these are other times and ballet is no longer his thing, so he has to be on a lead now, because he started more masculine sports which resulted in him becoming a bit of a hooligan....
this is Patch, our new kitten, well, Patch will be our new kitten for at the moment he is still with Max as our block of flats has a few unwanted residents, rats, and until we are sure that they have moved out again Patch can't move in....the traps are the size of Patch...
Vigo is scanning the environment. We discovered a new part to the marshes today, a stone henge look alike kind a place, hidden behind wild bushes and trees...
in fact, looks like a giant chair to me....maybe its art?
Vigo points at a stick - Helen the clicker gundog trainer taught us to channel Vigo's focus towards all sorts of things, and this is one Vigo mastered right away. She can point at plastic bags, sticks, and socks. Sometimes also at a cat, but not too often.
Where, oh where, is the stick? boat? wot?
Basel, can't you help? when Basel was young, he was Radio's mate, not a herb, but well, you see what he is. now Basel is getting old and a bit slow. But still, he swims much more than Vigo.
Ruby joined us for a visit to the pub. this was a while ago, maybe a year now. just found it on Lasse's phone. Ruby loved it here because the people working there kept giving her treats all evening and she was allowed to sit on the bench...well, she soon fell asleep. and here, at first i wasn't sure who that was, and it turns out that two images exist - one of Hamish ...and one of Vigo, at the same location, not same level tide....
Hunting with my Granddaughter
For those who have followed Redbirddog over the years, you have seen Lily
grow from a newborn to now going hunting with Bailey and me. What a great
7 years ago