Vigo guards Lasse after his first day of Chemotherapy!!! Vigo keeps snuggling up to Lasse. btw, she mastered the keeping an ear open when nearly asleep pose already.
Hunting with my Granddaughter
For those who have followed Redbirddog over the years, you have seen Lily
grow from a newborn to now going hunting with Bailey and me. What a great
7 years ago
There is no therapy in the world EVER invented to compare with the red person factor. They touch the parts that no other living being can reach. Yes once upon a time there was a lager ad. Heineken
"Reaches the Parts Other Beers Cannot Reach" (google it!)Beer is good. But a vizsla is a MILLION times better. Dear Andrea and Lasse and Vigo lots of love XXX
That is a lovely picture.
Wishing Lasse well and hope he begins to feel better with all the vizsla love
Hi Vigo, I had heard on blog world that your mum and dad had got a new Viz so was eagerly awaiting your website! Mum says she is also sure that docking tails was purely for the safety of human legs, vases, wine glasses on coffee tables etc and regularly threatens to dock mine. Hope your daddy is ok and you get to meet the cats soon. I am now friends with the ones that live with me. They're not so bad after all. :-)
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