Formerly (that is before she came to live with us) known as Willow. Vigo's life in the big city includes serious hunting of gloves and socks (and the London birds are safe and we buy them from the butchers).
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Vigo is now officially renamed to: Iglo
noone has thought of the freezing conditions when one only has short red fur.... do they suppose vizslas should wear gloves too? bit impractical...hence due to the impossibility to strike for better and warmer working conditions (where would that lead to) this vizsla has changed her name!
Hunting with my Granddaughter
For those who have followed Redbirddog over the years, you have seen Lily
grow from a newborn to now going hunting with Bailey and me. What a great
Glorious sunny day in December
It was such a lovely day today. Ideal temperature for walking the dogs and
the light so beautiful.
The frost still in patches where the afternoon sun ...
two months in
Two months into camp and things have definitely taken shape. Since the
last post, we went through about a two-week period of 90+degs and high
humidity tha...
Tracing Mobile Phone Numbers The Easy Way
Tracing mobile numbers is a huge thing right now because the availability
of mobile technology. The issue is people want everything the easy way,
A Good Citizen
I'm officially A Good Citizen. On Saturday I passed my Kennel Club Gold
level test! Mum is very chuffed as we have waited to get this for a long
time - I...
Chilli and the cow pond
I took Chilli to my favourite cow pond the other day.
"Chilli, you have to keep very still then they won't see you"
" Good girl Chilli, good girl"
"Oi! Ch...
Berserk in Bagshot, Berkshire on Bank Holiday
This is our lovely hotel where we stayed for the bank holiday weekend.
So you can imagine how Hamish freaked out when we told him he'd be sleeping
in here.....
It's been a hard day's walk
Tuesday was hot and overcast,Diesel had his usual three hour walk.
Then he retired to his new favourite place for his usual after walk nap and
slept like a...
I've been trying to catch some videos of the boys together..
Heres a video of Wiley and Cooper that I really love, after a nice walk
they love nothing more ...
Darling Spice
Darling Spice [click to see pedigree of Sybaris Allspice],
a long terms PM Vizsla, who was a successful show bitch before having her
pups, and before deve...
One for the pot
The shooting season has started. But who needs a gun?
Not the redgirls!
Thanks Mz Bert
Not a lot of pheasant ...
..... for so many feathers .....
Looking Good
Sometimes a girl needs a good old shake!! Dont you agree??
Daddys got a new camera so now Zala and I look even better, although I
think Zalas taken her mode...
Darcy's almost last + last day on Holiday!!
Darcy was John's dancing Vizsla this morning!!!
This is Igor who was even bigger than Hamish (can that be?)
Mrs Darcy will need her own kittens...
Mama i'm a big girl now....
Ruby is officially a big girl and boy do we know it...2 weeks of walking
her on the lead, has turned her into a crazy beast. Suddenly she has come
over ...
1 comment:
That's the way to do it...snuggle up under a lovely thick duvet. Radar & Rio are both burrowers cute! Juliet x
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